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Start a maths investigation with a Christmas song

Sunday, 8 December 2013
A video is a great way to start a maths investigation on the 12 days of Christmas. I’ve found a nice YouTube clip for the song 12 days of Christmas. As well as the Christmas songs, there are some good counting nursery rhymes for KS1 too.  Don't forget to check the content though, particularly the pop-up adverts.

Below is the link to the investigation on the 12 days of Christmas that I posted last year. This can be repeated with children who may have completed it the year before, as the approach to this problem will change with the age of the children.  Younger children can use it as a counting task with manipulatives, such as cubes, to represent the total for each day. Grouping the numbers (ie total of each day) and adding together is a method often used as children get older and then eventually they will move on to look for patterns. Each method can be prompted by you when you feel your children are ready for the next step.
12 drummers hoopla

Hoopla Kidz has clear images and well paced easy to hear and follow songs. As well as the Christmas songs that can be used for any age, there seems to be a large resource for younger children.  Take a look, below is the link for 'The 12 days of Christmas'.

Warning - Use YouTube with care!

It is a great resource but use YouTube wisely in the classroom:

• start the clip after the advert (view it out of the classroom)

• watch the whole video clip and check the content.

• check your school's policy on the use of YouTube.

• check for quality – can it be seen and heard on a large screen?

• be ready with your mouse to click off pop-up notices

For Broadbent Maths users:

Download ready to use  12 Days of Christmas problem solving cards to start off this investigation
Related articles:
12 days of Christmas – a maths investigation
How many presents were sent altogether by the end of the 12th Day of Christmas?

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