Broadbent Maths
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Broadbent Maths - creative primary maths

Privacy Policy

We are committed to preserving the privacy of all visitors to our website at (the "Website"). Please read the following privacy policy to understand how we use and protect information that you provide to us. By using our Website you agree to the collection, use and disclosure of your information under the terms of this policy. Please note that if you follow a link from our Website to another site, this policy will no longer apply. We are not responsible for the information handling practices of third party sites and we encourage you to read the privacy policies appearing on those sites.

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR effective 25 May 2018) requires us to provide individuals with information about the use and processing of their personal data.

1. Information we hold
Broadbent Maths Menu USERS:
For the purpose of providing access to Users to the maths resources on our site, Broadbent Maths Ltd retains the following details on schools and teachers that have paid and registered:
User schools:
·      school name, telephone number and postal address 
·      staff email and name (using school telephone and postal address)
Individual Users:
·      name, email telephone number and postal address
All Users:
·      passwords are held on the website platform, encrypted and computer generated. These are not accessible by any individual at Broadbent Maths or Engima (web developer). Passwords cannot be retrieved, only reset by the user logging in with their email address. 
For the purpose of good customer service:
·      We have a short record of each School main contact or Individual User with the date your order was placed and we record the nature of any subsequent communication you have with us so that we can provide good customer service. 
For the purpose of accounting: 
·      There are three methods of payment, PAYPAL for the online order form, cheque or BACS payment through your bank. PAYPAL takes your payment securely and both other methods of payment are administered by yourselves. We hold no details of your bank accounts or payment details. 
·      We use the name and address of the school or individual for invoicing.
Schools that receive other educational services (games and other products)
For the purpose of good customer service:
·      We have a short record of each School main contact or Individual with the date of your order/course and we record the nature of any subsequent communication you have with us so that we can provide good customer service. 
For the purpose of accounting: 
·      We hold name and address of the school or individual for invoicing.
·      Payment is by cheque or BACS payment through your bank and both other methods of payment are administered by yourselves. We hold no details of your bank accounts or payment details. 

Sample requests, course enquiries and general contact
·      If you contact us by email or via one of our online forms, we only retain your email address on our email server so that we can reply to you and from there have a record of our communications for the purpose of good customer service.
·      We do not hold your name, school or email address anywhere else within our system (unless you decide to purchase one of our products).
Telephone contact
·      If you contact us by telephone we will make a written record of the details of the enquiry for the purpose of good customer service. This record may include your name, school, telephone and email address. 

2. Contacting you
·      We will not contact you for marketing purposes regarding other services we provide. These are available for you to view on our website. 
·      We shall only contact you for the purpose of directly replying to your enquiry or purchase.
·      We shall only contact Broadbent Maths Menu Users if there is a legal requirement to do so or to inform you of important information and changes to your access to the Broadbent Maths Menu resources. 
 We do not share any of your information with anyone.

3. Communicating privacy information
We have reviewed our current Privacy Policy and have updated it on our website in accordance with the GDPR. 

4. Individual rights
Personal data can be deleted from the website database on the request of schools or individuals. 

5. Subject access requests
We aim to respond to all requests within 24 hours and up to 5 days for more detailed responses.

6. Lawful basis for processing data
The personal data collected by user schools of Broadbent Maths is the minimum required for access to the subscribed content of the website. This is staff name, email address and school name – no other data is collected.

7. Consent
We only hold and use information that individuals have given us through sample requests or contact forms. 

8. Children
Our resources are for schools and teachers. We are not contacted by children so do not keep any children’s data. We therefore do not need to verify individuals’ ages or to obtain parental or guardian consent on our contact forms.

9. Data breaches
Enigma manages our website and ensures that procedures are in place to detect, report and investigate any personal data breaches. Data on g-mail is secure. If either organisation was compromised at any time we would take steps to follow their advice immediately.

10. Data Protection by Design and Data Protection Impact Assessments 
We are familiar with the ICO’s code of practice on Privacy Impact Assessments as well as the latest guidance from the Article 29 Working Party and believe that we are using best practice.

11. Data Protection Officer
Our Company Secretary is the Data Protection Officer and has responsibility for data protection compliance.
If you have any queries about the information we hold on you, please contact our Data Protection Officer, who you may write to or contact by email at or by telephone on 01400 273363

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