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Broadbent Maths - creative primary maths

Is this your first time planning with Broadbent Maths?

Monday, 1 September 2014
Over 1000 teachers will be using Broadbent Maths Planning Menu to deliver the new curriculum, in almost 100 different schools throughout England along with a few International schools that follow our curriculum. Many of you will be using it for the first time this September so here are a few hints and tips to help you get to grips with the approach. 
An important aim for me is to provide support and a structure without being prescriptive. The main content, NC links, objectives, Afl and success criteria are provided, but you, the teacher, can decide how you wish to deliver the content to meet the needs of your children.
So what are the main features?

planning templates
Scope and Sequence for each year group
The maths content for the whole year is broken down into 18 two-week units. Within the Scope and Sequence chart for each year the objectives and success criteria are the key things to bear in mind. I have made sure there is continuity and progression as well as coverage of the 2014 PoS by carefully arranging them into 2-week units.

For mixed age teaching take a look at the Outline Scope and Sequence. The Units have been planned so that two years can be taught side by side to one class.
Why 2-weeks? This gives time for consolidation and mastery, allowing the maths to sink in. It is often easier to make connections between the different topics over the fortnight. For example for a measures unit, it could be that reading scales is your main focus, which can use length, mass and capacity in a context of, say, 'Planting cress seeds' over a 2-week unit.
I tried to limit the number of objectives for each unit to give space for consolidation (one reason handling data is part of every unit) but I am aware that some units are 'heavier' on objectives just to cover all the PoS. This is where you come in to make links between them and focus on those that your class needs to spend more time on.
The 18 units do not need to be taught in that particular order for each year. It is a suggestion (and the order that I would teach it, so a recommendation) but you can move the order around. The only thing to remember is that each topic area in each spiral needs to be in order, for example Addition and subtraction 1, 2 then 3 in that order.

Unit Planning templates
The planning templates give structure to your medium term planning.  Some sections are completed to reduce your workload but the important elements of planning are left to you, with reminders of all the features needed for good primary maths teaching. This includes language, models and images to help children make sense of the mathematics.
A key feature of the approach is that data handing, problem solving and reasoning are planned parts of every unit, with the maths connected through a context that is appropriate for you and your class. The context isn’t necessarily used in every lesson, but certainly as a thread through each unit.

Handy Hint

Medium term planning is sometimes overlooked, but if it is done well then preparing your daily lessons will be quick and flexible to change as you go along, based on individual and class needs. An overview of the 'big picture', where you're heading for with a unit and what you hope to achieve, is an important part of this planning process.

2014 National Curriculum Links
There are two charts for each year – one that starts with the Scope and Sequence for each unit and shows the matching NC objectives and the other that starts with the maths PoS and shows where each of these are covered in the Scope and Sequence.
Small Step Progression Charts
Teachers have found these 19 charts an enormous help with teaching children with gaps in their maths or finding the next step when a child has mastered a skill and is ready to move on. Each maths strand shows the complete progression from Y1-6, with the planning template for each unit showing a suggested range of progression for that unit. Expected outcomes for the particular year group for a unit are highlighted in bold.

Handy Hint

I’ve been into schools where the teachers had the progression charts laminated and put on their desk for easy reference while teaching and assessing progress. Sections of the relevant progression steps have also been given to the children at the start of each unit to self-assess their own progress and identify next steps.

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